Sailing off Sardinia, Italy

Sardinia, Italy

21 – 28 August 2015

We started with an evening in Rome as we took the train down from Lucca. Stayed at a very elegant hotel for free with my points. I think Donna is spoiled and we will never stay at a normal hotel again. Walked from the Spanish Steps (where our hotel was) to  the Forum and then to a market.

Next day flew into Olbia and drove to Cannigione (off north coast of Sardinia) where we spent the day. Then we got our sailboat and headed for the La Madalena Islands. We sailed a 45ft sailboat with 2 friends from Florida. He was a certified captain on sailboats. It was first time for all of us on such a large sailboat and docking in the Mediterranean is way different from US. You back into the spot, which is usually between two other boats and inches only of space. It was fun and nerve racking.

The sailing was OK, we had little to no wind most days and with issues with the sails it was not as good as it could have been. Spent way to much time bobbing in the water or under power. But, one never knows how the weather will be when sailing, so you go with the flow.

We stopped at Porto Cervo which is the rich and famous port for Italy and France. Next was Porto Rotundo which was also a big resort area. Neither was the real Italy. Then a night at anchorage in Cala Portese. Nice protected cove in the La Madalena Islands. Then 2 nights in Cala Gavetta, also in the La Madalena Islands. This was a real Italian port city. We enjoyed walking around in the city and a bus ride to Garaboldi’s home for an excellent tour of his house and grounds. Then back to Cannigione where we started.

Overall a nice trip, some issues with the boat but we enjoyed the sailing around the islands and the blue waters.

Here are some photos along the way.

Sardinia Sailing Trip

Sardinia, Italy
21 – 28 August 2015

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